Estiopi Cybersafe – You guide to network security

To have full insight and complete control over your networks infratsructure, understanding the network and its boundaries is crtical. A security assessment for all data and voice nodes & endpoints could help to better analyze to categorize all risks. Due to this network security assessment is an integral part of any security life cycle.

When comes to Security, there’s always a cost involved Capital as well as operational. Weighing Risk-to-Cost could assist with choosing optimal solution on need as basis. Each business is different with different network security scope.

Usual observed defects on assessment :

Poorly configured peripheral or network
Missing Standard Practices
Limited Insight on network traffic
Limited or No Firewall cabability
Human error
Unsecured remote access
Weak password and authentication policy
Bring your own device system
Defected hardware, memory or other peripheral used

There are many more defects in organization, many of them never get exploited and hence never get exposed. An assessment followed by testing exploits all vulnerabilties to identify risks.

At ESTIOPI CYBERSAFE , primarily focussed towards small to medium Business (SMB) where cost plays important roles in descision making. Our 3 step process – Assessment, Testing & Recommendation provides you optimal solution in tier base with Risk-to-Cost analysis to make easy decision on what level of security will best fit while eliminating all existing exploitation.